The Charter Conservatory for Liberal Arts and Technology, or CCAT, is a public charter school located in Statesboro, Georgia, USA, and operated by the CCAT Public School District. It was authorized by the Georgia State Board of Education and opened its doors in July 2001.
CCAT's Learning Perspective uses Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence. Instead of using textbooks, CCAT uses the computer for much of its schoolwork and relies on the knowledge of its teachers to meet student needs. Each student has an online portfolio web site, linked to CCAT's main web site.
Mission Statement : Charter Conservatory for Liberal Arts & Technology fosters an environment for life-long love of learning, embracing home, community and world, in which students assume responsibility for their learning. Charter Conservatory nurtures initiative and innovation in students, teachers, and parents in non-threatening surroundings of mutual respect. Charter Conservatory encourages families and members of the community to participate in the education of its students. Charter Conservatory has multi-age, student-centered classrooms featuring constructivist and multiliteracy learning. Our goal is to develop students who are competent, confident, productive and responsible; who will possess the habits, skills and attitudes to succeed; and who will eventually be offered the invitation of a post-secondary education and satisfying employment.
When CCAT opened, it served grades three through twelve. It now serves grades six through twelve, and has around 175 students.